Below is a reasonably complete list of literature on living pristid sawfishes worldwide, with emphasis on the smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata. We have made an effort to include both scientific and popular articles and books. We have excluded newspaper articles due to the very limited and often unreliable information this media contains. If you notice anything important missing, please notify us via email using the button at the bottom of the page.
) Abrantes, K., A. Barnett, M. Soetaert, P.M. Kyne, A. Laird, L. Squire, J. Seymour, B.E. Wueringer, J. Sleeman, and C. Huveneers. 2021. Potential of electric fields to reduce bycatch of highly threatened sawfishes. Endangered Species Research 46:121–135.
Link to PDF
Adams, W. F. 1996. Where have all the sawfishes gone? Living Oceans News. Summer, 1,5.
Adams W. F. and C. Wilson. 1995. The status of the smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata Latham 1794 (Pristiformes: Pristidae) in the United States. Chondros 6:1–5. PDF
Alava, M. N. R., J. P. A. Gaudiano, J. A. T. Utzurrum, E. E. C. Capuli, M. T. R. Aquino, M. A. Luchavez-Maypa, and M. D. Santos. 2014. Pating Ka Ba? An Identification Guide to Sharks, Batoids, and Chimaeras of the Philippines. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Quezon City, Philippines; and Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines, Taguig City, Philippines. PDF
Allen, G. R. 1991. Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of New Guinea. Christensen Research Institute, Madang, Papua New Guinea.
Almada-Villela, P. C. 2002. Pilot fisheries socio-economic survey of two coastal areas in eastern Sabah. Pp. 33–45 In: S. L. Fowler, T. M. Reed and F. A. Dipper (eds.) Elasmobranch Biodiversity, Conservation and Management, Proceedings of the International Seminar and Workshop, Sabah, Malaysia, July 1997. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission No. 25, IUCN, Cambridge, UK.
Anonymous. 1918. A three-hour battle with a 500 pound sawfish. The Literary Digest 57(8):70–71.
Anonymous. 1940. Dangerous sawfish is captured with wire noose by Ross Allen. Life 1940 Dec 2:106–109.
Anonymous. 1948. A new sawfish. Hobbies—The Magazine for Collectors 1948 Feb:136.
Anonymous. 1949. Shark and sawfish from fresh-water lake. Turtox News [May 1949]. 27(5):122. PDF (mentions the occurrence of sawfish [Pristis pristis] in Lake Izabal, Guatemala. Incl. photo)
Anak, N. A. 2002. An overview of sharks in world and regional trade. Pp. 25–32 In: S. L. Fowler, T. M. Reed and F. A. Dipper (eds.) Elasmobranch Biodiversity, Conservation and Management, Proceedings of the International Seminar and Workshop, Sabah, Malaysia, July 1997. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission No. 25, IUCN, Cambridge, UK.
Aschliman, N.C., M. Mishida, M. Miya, J.G. Inoue, K.M. Rosana, and G.J.P. Naylor. 2012. Body plan convergence in the evolution of skates and rays (chondrichthyes: batoidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63:28–42. Link to Abstract
Bakenhaster, M. D., S. A. Bullard, S. S. Curran, D. C. Kritsky, E. H. Leone, L. K. Partridge, C. F. Ruiz, R. M. Scharer, and G. R. Poulakis. 2018. Parasite component community of smalltooth sawfish off Florida: diversity, conservation concerns, and research applications. Endangered Species Research 35:47–58. Link to PDF
Barnard, K. H. 1947. A Pictorial Guide to South African Fishes, Marine and Freshwater. Maskew Miller Limited, Cape Town, South Africa.
Barone, M., C. Mazzoldi, and F. Serena. 2022. Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras in Mediterranean and Black Seas. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Link to PDF
Barrett, O. W. 1928. Shark fishing in the West Indies. The Scientific Monthly 27(2):125–133.
Bauer, E. A. Mystery monster. 1959. Field & Stream 63(10):61, 119–121.
Baughman, J. L. 1943. Notes on sawfish, Pristis perotteti Müller and Henle, not previously reported from the waters of the United States. Copeia 1943:43–48.
Baughman, J. L. 1950. Random notes on Texas fishes. The Texas Journal of Science 2(1):117–138.
Baughman, J. L. 1952. The marine fishes of Texas, the sawfishes. Texas Game and Fish 10(4):28–29.
Bearden, C. M. 1965. Contributions from Bears Bluff Laboratories, No. 42: Elasmobranch Fishes of South Carolina. Bears Bluff Laboratories, Wadmalaw Island, SC.
Beaumariage, D.S. 1968. Commercial Shark Fishing and Processing in Florida. Educational Series No. 16 of Florida Board of Conservation, Marine Research Laboratory, St. Petersburg, FL. [mentions the commercial processing and sale of sawfish hides and fins]
Beveridge, I. and R. A. Campbell. 2005. Three new genera of trypanorhynch cestodes from Australian elasmobranch fishes. Systematic Parasitology (60):211–224.
Bigelow, H. B. and W. C. Schroeder. 1953. Sawfishes, guitarfishes, skates and rays. Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Memoir Number 1, Part 2, Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Bleeker, P. 1851. Vijfde bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van Borneo, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten van zoetwatervisschen. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië 2:415–442.
Bleeker, P. E. A. 1869. Enumberatio Specierum Piscium Hucusque in Archipelago Indico Observatarum. Bataviae, Typis Langii & Soc.
Bleher, H. 1984. The Australian freshwater sawfish. Tropical Fish Hobbyist 32(1):8–14.
Boeseman, M. 1956. Fresh-water sawfishes and sharks in Netherlands New Guinea. Science 123(3189):223–224.
Böhlke, J. E. and C. C. G. Chaplin. 1968. Fishes of the Bahamas and Adjacent Tropical Waters. Acad. Nat. Sciences Phil., Wynnewood, PA.
Bonfil, R. 2016. Identification Guide to Common Sharks and Rays of the Caribbean. FishFinder Programme, Marine and Inland Fisheries Branch, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. PDF
Bonfil, R., P. Diaz-Jaimes, P. Palacios-Barreto, O. Vargas, and M. Ricano-Soriano. 2024. Improved eDNA assay evidences further refugia for critically endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) in Mexico. Frontiers in Marine Science 11:1290661. Link to PDF
Bonfil, R., O. U. Mendoza-Vargas, M. Ricano-Soriano, P. Y. Palacios-Barreto, and N. Bolano-Martinez. 2017. Former widespread abundance and recent downfall of sawfishes in Mexico as evidenced by historical photographic and trophy records. Fisheries 42(5):256–259. PDF
Bonfil, R., M. Ricano-Soriano, O.U. Mendoza-Vargas, I. Mendez-Loeza, J.C. Perez-Jimenez, N. Bolano-Martinez, and P. Palacios-Barreto. 2018. Tapping into local ecological knowledge to assess the former importance and current status of sawfishes in Mexico. Endangered Species Research 36:213–228. Link to PDF
Bonfil, R., P. Palacios-Barreto, O.U. Mendoza Vargas, M. Ricano-Soriano, and P. Diaz-Jaimes. 2021. Detection of critically endangered marine species with dwindling populations in the wild using eDNA gives hope for sawfishes. Marine Biology 168, Article Number 60. Link to Abstract
Borrell, A. L. Cardona, R. P. Kumarran, and A. Aguilar. 2010. Trophic ecology of elasmobranchs caught off Gujarat, India, as inferred from stable isotopes. ICES Journal of Marine Science doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsq170. PDF
Boschung, H. T. 1992. Catalogue of Freshwater and Marine Fishes of Alabama. The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Brandney, D.R., A. Davidson, S.P. Evans, B.E. Wueringer, D.L. Morgan, and P.D. Clausen. 2017. Sawfishes stealth revealed using computational fluid dynamics. Journal of Fish Biology doi:10.1111/jfb.13255. Link to abstract
Braulik, G., M. Kasuga, and G. Majubwa. Local ecological knowledge demonstrates shifting baselines and the large-scale decline of sawfishes (Pristidae) in Tanzania. African Journal of Marine Science 42(1):67–79. Link to abstract
Breder, C. M., Jr. 1928. The fishes of the Rio Chucunaque drainage, eastern Panama. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 57:91–176. PDF
Breder, C. M., Jr. 1929. Field Book of Marine Fishes of the Atlantic Coast. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, NY.
Breder, C. M., Jr. 1952. On the utility of the saw of the sawfish. Copeia 1952:90–92.
Breder, C. M, Jr. and D. E. Rosen. 1966. Modes of Reproduction in Fishes. Reprint. T. F. H. Publications, Jersey City, NJ.
Briggs, J. C. 1958. A list of Florida fishes and their distribution. Bull. Fl. St. Mus. Biol. Sci. 2: 223–318.
Brown, H. H. 1945 (?). The Fisheries of the Windward & Leeward Islands. Development and Welfare in the West Indies, Bulletin No. 20. 98 pp + 2 maps.
Buckley, K.A., D.A. Crook, L.D. Einoder, R.D. Pillans, L.D.G. Smith, and P.M. Kyne. 2020. Movement behaviours and survival of largetooth sawfish, Pristis pristis, released from a public aquarium. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2020:1–19. Link to Abstract
Burgess, G. H. and T. H. Curtis. 2003. Temporal reductions in the distribution and abundance of U.S. Atlantic sawfishes (Pristis spp.) [abstract]. In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; 2003 Jun x–xx; Manaus, Brazil.
Cabanillas-Torpoco, M., K. Forsberg, R. Rosas-Luis, M.G. Bustamante Rosell, C. Ampuero-Portocarrero, A. Hernando, G. Panizo, and R.H. Leeney. 2023. Status of the largetooth sawfish in Ecuador and Peru, and use of rostral teeth in cockfighting. Endangered Species Research 52:247–264. Link to PDF
Caira, J. N. 1990. Metazoan parasites as indicators of elasmobranch biology. p.71–96. In: Pratt, H. L., S. H. Gruber, and T. Taniuchi (eds.) Elasmobranchs as Living Resources: Advances in the Biology, Ecology, Systematics, and the Status of the Fisheries, Proceedings of the Second United States–Japan Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, 9–14 December 1987. NOAA Technical Report NMFS 90.
Camelli, G. J. and D. J. Petiver. 1704. De Piscubus, Moluscis and Crustaceis Philippensibus. Philosophical Transactions 24(1704):2043–2080.
Camhi, M., S. L. Fowler, J. A. Musick, A. Brautigam, and S. V. Fordham. 1998. Sharks and their Relatives – Ecology and Conservation. IUCN/SSC Shark Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
Carlson, J. K. and I. E. Baremore. 2003. The Directed Shark Gillnet Fishery: Catch and Bycatch, 2003. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Panama City, FL.
Carlson, J. K. and J. Osborn. 2012. Relative abundance of smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) based on the Everglades National Park creel survey. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS‑SEFSC-626, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Panama City, FL.
Carlson, J. K. and C. A. Simpfendorfer. 2014. Recovery potential of smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in the United States determined using population viability models. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems DOI:10.1002/aqc.2434.
Carlson, J. K., J. Osborne, and T. W. Schmidt. 2007. Monitoring the recovery of smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, using standardized relative indices of abundance. Biological Conservation 136(2):195–202.
Carlson, J. K., S. J. B. Gulak, C. A. Simpfendorfer, R. D. Grubbs, J. G. Romine, and G. H. Burgess. 2013. Movement patterns and habitat use of smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, determined using pop-up satellite archival tags. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(1):104–117.
Carpenter, K. E. and V. H. Niem. 1999. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fisheries Purposes: The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 3: Batoid fishes, Chimaeras, and Bony Fishes, Part 1. FAO, Rome, Italy. 1398–2068 pp.
Carvalho-Filho, A. 1999. Peixes: Costa Brasileira. São Paulo, Melro.
Caton, J.D. 1879. Capture of a saw-fish. The American Naturalist, an Illustrated Magazine of Natural History 13:654.
Cavalcanti, M.J., E.N. dos Santos-Silva, and L.J. de Oliveira Geraldes Primeiro. 2019. Database of the marine-derived aquatic biota of the Amazon Basin. Tropical Diversity 1(1):12–25. Link to PDF
Cavanagh, R. D., P. M. Kyne, S. L. Fowler, J. A. Musick, and M. B. Bennett, editors. 2003. The Conservation Status of Australasian Chondrichthyans. Report of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group and Australia and Oceania Regional Red List Workshop; 2003 Mar 7–9; Queensland, Australia.
Chapman, D. D., C. A. Simpfendorfer, T. R. Wiley, G. R. Poulakis, C. Curtis, M. Tringali, J. K. Carlson, and K. A. Feldheim. 2011. Genetic diversity despite population collapse in a critically endangered marine fish: the smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata). Journal of Heredity 102(6):643–652.
Charvet-Almeida, P. 2002. Sawfish trade in the north of Brazil. Shark News [Newsletter of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group]. 14:9.
Cheung, P. J. and R. F. Nigrelli. 1983. Dermophthirioides pristidis n. gen., n. sp. (Microbothriidae) from the skin and Neoheterocotyle ruggierii n. sp. (Monocotylidae) from the gills of the smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata. Transactions of the American Microscopy Society 102:129–134.
Chidlow, J. A. 2007. First record of the freshwater sawfish, Pristis microdon, from southwestern Australian waters. Records of the Western Australian Museum 23:307–308.
Chirichigno, N. F. 1963. Estudio de la fauna ictiológica de los esteros y parte baja de los ríos del Departamento de Tumbes [Perú]. Servicio de Pesqueria, Peru 22:1–87.
Chisthom, L. A. and I. D. Whittington. 2000. A new species of Neoheterocotyle Hargis, 1955 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from the gills of Pristis clavata Garman (Pristidae) from Darwin, Australia. Systematic Parasitology. 46:93–98.
Christensen, R. F. 1965. An Ichthyological Survey of Jupiter Inlet and Loxahatchee River, Florida [Thesis]. Florida State University.
Clark, S., G. Violetta, A. Henningsen, V. Reischuck, P. Mohan, and J. Keyon. 2003. Growth in captive smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata [abstract]. In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; 2003 Jun x–xx; Manaus, Brazil.
Clippinger, D. H. 1988. Rostral tooth regeneration of smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata). [abstract]. In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; 1988 Xxx x–xx; Ann Arbor, MI.
Clippinger, D. H. 1993. Observations of rostral tooth regrowth in smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata. Drum and Croaker, A Highly Irregular Journal for the Public Aquarist. 24(1):5–7.
Clusius, C. 1605. Exoticorum libri decem; quibus animalium, plantarum, aromatum, aliorumque peregrinorum fructuum historiae describuntur. Item Petri Belonii observationes, eodem Carolo Clusio interprete. Antverpiae.
Coles, R. J. 1915. Notes on the sharks and rays of Cape Lookout, N. C. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 28:89–94.
Compagno, L. J. V. 1970. Generic systematics of recent pristids [Abstract]. In: Current Investigations Dealing with Elasmobranch Fishes. The Shark Research Panel, The American Institute of Biological Sciences. Pgs. 6–7.
Compagno, L. J. V. and S. F. Cook. 1995. The exploitation and conservation of freshwater elasmobranchs: status of taxa and prospects fo the future. J. Aquaricult. Aquat. Sci. 7:62–90.
Compagno, L. J. V., D. A. Ebert, and M. J. Smale. 1989. Guide to the Sharks and Rays of Southern Africa. Struik Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa.
Compagno, L. J. V. and P. R. Last. 1999. Pristidae. Sawfishes. Pp. 1410–1417. In: K.E. Carpenter and V. Niem (eds.), FAO identification guide for fishery purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. FAO, Rome.
Compagno, L. J. V., Last, P. R., Stevens J. D., and M. N. R. Alava. 2005. Checklist of Philippine Chondrichthyes. CSIRO Report 243.
Cook, S., L. J. V. Compagno, and M. Oetinger. 1995. Status of the largetooth sawfish Pristis perotteti Muller and Henle, 1841. Shark News [Newsletter of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group] 4:1–2.
Cope, E. D. 1875. Synopsis of the vertebrata of the Miocene of Cumberland County, New Jersey. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 16(97):55–60.
Cornejo, R., X. Velez-Zuazo, A. Gonzalez-Pestana, C. Kouri, and G. Mucientes. 2015. An updated checklist of chondrichthyes from the southeast Pacific off Peru. Check List 11(6) doi: [contains misinformation on Pristis pectinata however]
Cropp, B. 1971. Shark Hunters. The Macmillan Company, New York, NY.
Cuevas, J.M., M. Garcia, N. Hozbor, V.V. Faria, and L. Paesch. 2019. Tracing the occurrence of the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata at its southernmost distribution in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Endangered Species Research 38:1–9. Link to PDF
Curtis, E. A. 1974. A Wet Butt and a Hungry Gut. John F. Blair, Winston-Salem, NC.
Dahlberg, M. D. 1976. Guide to Coastal Fishes of Georgia and Nearby States. University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA.
Davies, D. H. 1963. The story of Sally the sawfish. South African Association for Marine Biological Research 1963(4):10–13.
Day, F. 1971. The Fishes of India; being a Natural History of the Fishes known to inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Today & Tomorrow's Book Agency, New Delhi.
De Kay, J. E. 1842. Zoology of New-York, or the New-York Fauna; Part IV. Fishes. W. & A. White & J. Visscher, Albany, NY. [Recounts a record by Shoepff of a 15-foot "Pristis antiquorum" captured "at New-York" in July, 1782. De Kay does not give the full citation for the Shoepff record.]
Dean, M.N., J.J. Bizzarro, B. Clark, C.J. Underwood, and Z. Johanson. 2017. Large batoid fishes frequently consume stingrays despite skeletal damage. Royal Society Open Science 4:170674. Link to PDF
Devadoss, P., J.C. Gnanamuttu, S. Srinivasarangan, and S. Subramani. 1989. On the landing of a large saw fish at Madras. Indian Council of Agricultural Research: Marine Fisheries Information Service August 1989:13. Link to PDF (this paper documents the largest known reliably recorded pristid [705-cm TL Pristis pristis])
Devitt, K.R., V.M. Adams, and P.M. Kyne. 2015. Australia's protected area network fails to adequately protect the world's most threatened marine fishes. Global Ecology and Conservation 3:401–411. Link to Abstract
Deynat, P. P. 2005. New data on the systematics and interrelationships of sawfishes (Elasmobranchii, Batoidea, Pristiformes). J. Fish Biol. 2005(66):1447–1458.
Diaz-Jaimes, P., R. Bonfil, P. Palacios-Barreto, N. Balano-Martinez, and N. J. Bayona-Vasquez. 2017. Mitochondrial genome of the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata from Veracruz, Mexico. Conservation Genetics Resources DOI 10.1007/s12686-017-0896-9. Link to Abstract
Dimock, A.W., Dimock, J.A. 1908. Florida Enchantments. The Outing Publishing Company, New York, NY.
Dineshbabu, A. P., Lingappa, and Y. Muniyappa. 2005. On the landing of largetooth sawfish, Pristis microdon at Mangalore. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension Series 184:20.
Dor, M. 1984. Checklist of the Fishes of the Red Sea. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem.
Downing, N. and R.H. Leeney. 2018. Smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata Latham, 1794) in the Casamance River, Senegal: a historical perspective. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2018:1–13. Link to Abstract
Duarte-Bello, P. P. 1959. Catalogo de Peces Cubanos. Universidad de Villanueva, Marianao, Cuba.
Duffy, C., J. Seeto, and T. Trnski. 2011. Review of records of sawfishes (Chondrichthyes: Pristidae) from Fiji, with deletion of Pristis zijsron Bleeker, 1851 and Pristis sp. from the fauna. Zootaxa 3115:65–67.
Dulvy, N. K., L. N. K. Davidson, P. M. Kyne, C. A. Simpfendorfer, L. R. Harrison, J. K. Carlson, and S. V. Fordham. 2014. Ghosts of the coast: global extinction risk and conservation of sawfishes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, DOI:10.1002/aqc.2525 Link to Abstract
Dunkle, D. H. 1951. New Western Hemisphere occurrences of fossil selachians. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 41(11):344–347.
Ebert, D. A. and M. Dando. 2021. Field Guide to Sharks, Rays & Chimaeras of Europe and the Mediterranean. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. [includes Pristis pectinata and P. pristis summaries along with a drawing of a pristid jaw and teeth]
Ebert, D. A. and M. F. W. Stehmann. 2013. Sharks, Batoids and Chimaeras of the North Atlantic. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
Ebert, D. A., W. T. White, H.-C. Ho, P. R. Last, K. Nakaya, B. Seret, N. Straube, G. J. P. Naylor, and M. R. De Carvalho. 2013. An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of Taiwan. Zootaxa 3752(1):279–386.
Eigenmann, C. H. 1920. The fishes of the rivers draining the western slope of the Cordillera Occidental of Colombia, Rios Atroto, San Juan, Dagua, and Patia. Indiana University Studies 7(46): 1–19 + fold-out map.
Elhassan, I. 2018. Occurrence of the green sawfish Pristis zijsron in the Sudanese Red Sea with observations on reproduction. Endangered Species Research 36:41–47. Link to PDF
Endicott, W. 1925. Adventures with Rod and Harpoon along the Florida Keys. Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York, NY.
Everett, B.I., G. Cliff, S.F.J. Dudley, S.P. Wintner, and R.P. van der Elst. 2015. Do sawfish Pristis spp. represent South Africa's first local extirpation of marine elasmobranchs in the modern era? African Journal of Marine Science 37(2):275–284. Link to Abstract
Evermann, B. W. and B. A. Bean. 1898. Indian River and its fishes. U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 22:227–248.
Evermann, B. W. and W. C. Kendall. 1900. Check-list of the fishes of Florida. U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 25:35–103.
Evermann, B. W. and M. C. Marsh. 1902. The fishes of Porto Rico. U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 20(1):49–350 + ??? plates and ?? fold-out maps.
Faria, V. V. 2007. Taxonomic Review, Phylogeny, and Geographic Population Structure of the Sawfishes (Chondrichthyes, Pristiformes) [dissertation]. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Faria, V. V., and M. T. McDavitt. 2005. Trying again two centuries later: an essay on the various species of sawfish (Chondrichthyes, Pristiformes) [abstract]. In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; 2005 Jul 6–11; Tampa, FL. p. 151.
Faria, V. V., M. T. McDavitt, P. Charvet, T. R. Wiley, C. A. Simpfendorfer, and G. J. Naylor. 2012. Species delineation and global population structure of critically endangered sawfishes (Pristidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 167(1):136–164. Link to Abstract
Faria, V. V., J. A. Ryburn, L. F. Leandro, and G. J. Naylor. 2003. Pristiform molecular phylogeny [abstract]. In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; 2003 Jun x–xx; Manaus, Brazil.
Farrés, F. and H. L. Fierstine. 2009. First record of the extinct sawfish Propristis schweinfurthi Dames, 1883 (Batoidea: Pristiformes: Pristidae) from the middle Eocene of Spain. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 83:459–466.
Feitosa, L.M., A.P.B. Martins, and J.L.S. Nunes. 2017. Sawfish (Pristidae) records along the eastern Amazon coast. Endangered Species Research 34:229–234. Link to PDF
Feldheim, K. A., D. D. Chapman, C. A. Simpfendorfer, V. P. Richards, M. S. Shivji, T. R. Wiley, G. R. Poulakis, J. K. Carlson, R. Eng, and S. Sagarese. 2010. Genetic tools to support the conservation of the endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata. Conservation Genetics Resources 2:105–113.
Feldheim, K. A., A. T. Fields, D. D. Chapman, R. M. Scharer, and G. R. Poulakis. 2017. Insights into reproduction and behavior of the smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata. Endangered Species Research 34:463–471. Link to PDF
Fernandez-Carvalho, J., J. L. Imhoff, V. V. Faria, J. K. Carlson, G. H. Burgess. 2013. Status and the potential for extinction of the largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis in the Atlantic Ocean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(4):478–497.
Ferretti, F., G. M. Verd, B. Seret, J. S. Sprem, and F. Micheli. 2015. Falling through the cracks: the fading history of a large iconic predator. Fish and Fisheries: DOI:10.1111/faf.12108. PDF
Feutry, P., P. M. Kyne, R. D. Pillans, X. Chen, J. R. Marthick, D. L. Morgan, and P. M. Grewe. 2015. Whole mitogenome sequencing refines population structure of the critically endangered sawfish Pristis pristis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 533:237–244. PDF
Feutry, P., A. Laird, C.-L Davies, F. DevlooDelva, G. Fry, G. Johnson, R.M. Gunasekera, J.R. Marthick, P.M. Kyne. 2021. Population structure of narrow sawfish Anoxypristis cuspidata across northern Australia. CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere, Hobart, Australia. PDF
Field, I. C., R. Charters, R. C. Buckworth, M. G. Meekan, and C. J. A. Bradshaw. 2008. Distribution and abundance of Glyphis and sawfishes in northern Australia and their potential interactions with commercial fisheries. Report submitted to the Department of the Environment, Canberra, Australia.
Field, I. C., M. G. Meekan, and C. J. A. Bradshaw. 2009. Development of non-lethal methods for determining age and habitat use of sawfishes from northern Australia. Report submitted to the Department of the Environment, Canberra, Australia.
Field, I. C., B. J. Tillett, R. Charters, G. J. Johnson, R. C. Buckworth, M. G. Meekan, and C. J. A. Bradshaw. 2013. Distribution, relative abundance and risks from fisheries to threatened Glyphis sharks and sawfishes in northern Australia. Endangered Species Research 21:171–180. Link to PDF
Fields, A. T., K. A. Feldheim, G. R. Poulakis, and D. D. Chapman. 2015. Facultative parthenogenesis in a critically endangered wild vertebrate. Current Biology 25(11):R446–R447.
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Fioravanti, T., N. Maio, P.N. Psomadakis, S. Manzotti, A.P. Gigante, A. Splendiani, and M. Bottaro. 2023. The sawfish (Rhinopristiformes, Pristidae) rostrum displayed in the "Basilica Santuario del Carmine Maggiore" in Naples, Italy: A long story of legends and taxonomic errors. Contributions to Zoology (2023)1–20. Link to PDF
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Anonymous. 1948. A new sawfish. Hobbies—The Magazine for Collectors 1948 Feb:136.
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Bonfil, R., P. Palacios-Barreto, O.U. Mendoza Vargas, M. Ricano-Soriano, and P. Diaz-Jaimes. 2021. Detection of critically endangered marine species with dwindling populations in the wild using eDNA gives hope for sawfishes. Marine Biology 168, Article Number 60. Link to Abstract
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Cropp, B. 1971. Shark Hunters. The Macmillan Company, New York, NY.
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Day, F. 1971. The Fishes of India; being a Natural History of the Fishes known to inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of India, Burma, and Ceylon. Today & Tomorrow's Book Agency, New Delhi.
De Kay, J. E. 1842. Zoology of New-York, or the New-York Fauna; Part IV. Fishes. W. & A. White & J. Visscher, Albany, NY. [Recounts a record by Shoepff of a 15-foot "Pristis antiquorum" captured "at New-York" in July, 1782. De Kay does not give the full citation for the Shoepff record.]
Dean, M.N., J.J. Bizzarro, B. Clark, C.J. Underwood, and Z. Johanson. 2017. Large batoid fishes frequently consume stingrays despite skeletal damage. Royal Society Open Science 4:170674. Link to PDF
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Devitt, K.R., V.M. Adams, and P.M. Kyne. 2015. Australia's protected area network fails to adequately protect the world's most threatened marine fishes. Global Ecology and Conservation 3:401–411. Link to Abstract
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Diaz-Jaimes, P., R. Bonfil, P. Palacios-Barreto, N. Balano-Martinez, and N. J. Bayona-Vasquez. 2017. Mitochondrial genome of the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata from Veracruz, Mexico. Conservation Genetics Resources DOI 10.1007/s12686-017-0896-9. Link to Abstract
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Ebert, D. A. and M. Dando. 2021. Field Guide to Sharks, Rays & Chimaeras of Europe and the Mediterranean. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. [includes Pristis pectinata and P. pristis summaries along with a drawing of a pristid jaw and teeth]
Ebert, D. A. and M. F. W. Stehmann. 2013. Sharks, Batoids and Chimaeras of the North Atlantic. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
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Faria, V. V. 2007. Taxonomic Review, Phylogeny, and Geographic Population Structure of the Sawfishes (Chondrichthyes, Pristiformes) [dissertation]. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Faria, V. V., and M. T. McDavitt. 2005. Trying again two centuries later: an essay on the various species of sawfish (Chondrichthyes, Pristiformes) [abstract]. In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; 2005 Jul 6–11; Tampa, FL. p. 151.
Faria, V. V., M. T. McDavitt, P. Charvet, T. R. Wiley, C. A. Simpfendorfer, and G. J. Naylor. 2012. Species delineation and global population structure of critically endangered sawfishes (Pristidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 167(1):136–164. Link to Abstract
Faria, V. V., J. A. Ryburn, L. F. Leandro, and G. J. Naylor. 2003. Pristiform molecular phylogeny [abstract]. In: Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; 2003 Jun x–xx; Manaus, Brazil.
Farrés, F. and H. L. Fierstine. 2009. First record of the extinct sawfish Propristis schweinfurthi Dames, 1883 (Batoidea: Pristiformes: Pristidae) from the middle Eocene of Spain. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 83:459–466.
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Feldheim, K. A., D. D. Chapman, C. A. Simpfendorfer, V. P. Richards, M. S. Shivji, T. R. Wiley, G. R. Poulakis, J. K. Carlson, R. Eng, and S. Sagarese. 2010. Genetic tools to support the conservation of the endangered smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata. Conservation Genetics Resources 2:105–113.
Feldheim, K. A., A. T. Fields, D. D. Chapman, R. M. Scharer, and G. R. Poulakis. 2017. Insights into reproduction and behavior of the smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata. Endangered Species Research 34:463–471. Link to PDF
Fernandez-Carvalho, J., J. L. Imhoff, V. V. Faria, J. K. Carlson, G. H. Burgess. 2013. Status and the potential for extinction of the largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis in the Atlantic Ocean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(4):478–497.
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